There are two Holiday Homes are available in Tiruchchirappalli Division. One is located at Tiruchchirappalli Junction with four suits and other one is located at Tiruvannamalai with four 4 suits. It is allotted for all non-gazetted Serving / Retired Railway employee. Applications for accommodation should be sent by the staff atleast two months in advance to the Divisional Personnel Officer / TPJ through proper channel in the prescribed format. Fax No.: 0431-2480166 / Sr.DPO / Personnel Branch / DRM's Office Complex / Southern Railway / Tiruchchirappalli - 620 004. For any query please contact 77714. Staff desirous of cancellation allotment should intimate same in writing atleast ten days before the date of commencement of reservation, failing which full charges will be recovered.
There are two staff canteens are available in Tiruchchirappalli Division. One canteen is located at DSL Shed/GOC and other one is located at DRM’s office complex. The DRM’s office canteen is functioning in all working days of divisional office. It’s providing Breakfast, Lunch, Tea and Snacks. Both canteens are functioning on no-profit and no-loss basis. The canteen are not involve in working hours (i.e.) light refreshment always goes to the workers and not the worker to the refreshment.
Homeopathy offers safe and permanent cures for asthma, as the medication treats the problem at the root cause. The treatments encourage the body’s own restorative processes by strengthening the natural healing system. For the benefit of Railway Employee, one Homeopathic dispensary is functioning at Health Unit / Tiruchchirappalli Junction. It is running under Staff Benefit Fund. The Homeopathic physician is available in weekdays from 09:00 hrs to 13:00 hrs.